Saturday, 2 October 2010


I'm starting on day one because night one, technically speaking, was not spectacular. The pre-ordered bedding never arrived, and what with the crazy British heater and the window that wouldn't close, even with my coat and scarf on, that bare mattress was pretty cold. In addition, there was a club down the street that sounded like it was next door, so I got to enjoy their music and all the accompanying sounds of drunken revelry until about 4am British time.

However! I finally passed out (after googling how much a pair of earplugs will cost), and this morning woke up in freaking Britain, which feels fantastic no matter how little you have eaten or slept the night before :D   

I'll keep you all updated, and hopefully have some more adventures to relate before the day is over- I need to get my lazy sleep-till-British-1pm 'murican arse out of bed and exploring the city today. Wish me luck!

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